Rcd Pro

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Rcd Pro

Postby holden » 28 Sep 2011, o 10:13


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RCDPRO Tools V0.0.6.1

Postby techmobil » 28 Sep 2011, o 10:27

RCDPRO Tools V0.0.6.1

What's new:
- more comfortable menu and model selections
- changes in Clip firmware for faster work
- fixes in 9s12 and 3steps

Check supported models and Clip functions in demo version

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RCDPRO Tools V0.0.6.6

Postby techmobil » 3 Oct 2011, o 08:50

Martech Rcd Activation Managment Software V0.0.6.6

We are getting many emails with suggestions "it would be good to have one exe instead of many"..
So, we are slowly moving all in one pack, this will be easy to navigate and operate.
Tool autodetect your activations on Clip.

Latest Update (needs Rcd Pro activation):

- Chrysler, P05064066AD 6CD MP3, 34W548 DY-3005LX-E, MC9S12DJ256B by Mitsubishi
- Chrysler, P05064363AA 6CD MP3, 34W571 DY-3007LX-E, MC9S12DJ256B by Mitsubishi
- Chrysler, P05091509AG, MC9S12DJ256B by Mitsubishi
- Chrysler, P05091521AC, MC9S12DJ256B by Mitsubishi
- Chrysler, P0509165AB, MC9S12DJ256B by Mitsubishi

We recommend to: delete all previous exe and install latest version from setup:

Check supported models and Clip functions in demo version

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RCD PRO Tools V0.0.6.9 - various units

Postby holden » 28 Oct 2011, o 09:19

RCD PRO Tools V0.0.6.9 - various units

Latest Update :

- CQ-VD7005W, FM25160 by Matsushita
- Volvo, FJXL MBYI A RDO Assembly, 28214608, 24c32 by Delphi
- Hyundai, HMCNRM100-00, 96510-2L000, K9F5608U0D by Siemens VDO

- Chrysler, P05064924, 24c16 by Alpine
- VW, RCD 510 MID RVC Rdw BVX, 7 649 299 360, 5K0 035 190, 95128 by Bosch

Use autoupdate or download via:

Check supported models and Clip functions in demo version

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Martech Team.

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RCD PRO V0.0.7.2 - New Kenwoods supported

Postby techmobil » 17 Nov 2011, o 21:32

RCD PRO V0.0.7.2 - New Kenwoods supported

From now, following functions:
- original code reading, counter reset, write new code (depends on model)

On following models:

- KDC-DDX3028, 24c16 by Kenwood
- KDC-DDX3058, 24c16 by Kenwood
- KDC-DDX4028BT, 24c16 by Kenwood
- KDC-DDX4058BT, 24c16 by Kenwood
- KDC-DNX7240BT, 24c64 by Kenwood
- KDC-DNX8024BT, 24c64 by Kenwood
- KDC-DNX8034BT, 24c64 by Kenwood
- KDC-DNX8054BT, 24c64 by Kenwood
- KDC-DNX9140, 24c64 by Kenwood
- KDC-DNX9240BT, 24c64 by Kenwood

How to update? Run martech_rcd_ams.exe or download and get latest version via setup:

Check supported models and Clip functions in demo version

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Martech RCD AMS V0.0.8.0 - all tools in one exe, Kenwood uni

Postby techmobil » 18 Jan 2012, o 21:37

Martech RCD AMS V0.0.8.0 - all tools in one exe, Kenwood units


For your convenience, the latest version of martech_rcd_ams.exe includes:
- built-in all applications in one tool
(rcd, pro, sec, additional activations as tms470, omap5948, rns-e, sta2052)
- it will be possible to make updates for diff tools at once
- Martech Key and RCD users still uses rcd2.exe
- slightly modified graphics, code optimization

Download tool over the new version of the installer:


List of new models added to the PRO below.


Dla wygody użytkowników, aktualna wersja martech_rcd_ams.exe zawiera:
- wbudowane wszystkie aplikacje w jednym programie
(rcd, pro, sec, aktywacje dodatkowe jak tms470, omap5948, rns-e, sta2052)
- od tej chwili możliwe będą jednoczesne aktualizacje dla kilku programów jednocześnie
- użytkownicy Martech Key i RCD korzystają nadal z programu rcd2.exe
- delikatnie zmieniona szata graficzna, optymalizacja kodu programu

Pobierz program poprzez nową wersje instalatora:

Lista nowych modeli dodanych dla RCD oraz PRO poniżej.

Latest Update for RCD PRO Users (read code, change code, reset counter):
- KDC-W5031, 24c04 by Kenwood
- KDC-W531Y, 24c04 by Kenwood
- KDC-MP5029, 24c04 by Kenwood
- KDC-MP5033, 24c04 by Kenwood
- KDC-W4534Y, 24c04 by Kenwood
- KDC-Z920DVD, 24c01 by Kenwood

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Martech RCD AMS V0.0.8.4 - RNS 5(8)10 activation

Postby techmobil » 25 Jan 2012, o 09:10

Martech RCD AMS V0.0.8.4 - RNS 5(8)10 activation

[PL]Prosimy o dokładne przeczytanie poniższych informacji w swoim języku.
[EN]Please read the following information in your language (scroll down

Martech RCD AMS V0.0.8.4 - RNS 5(8)10 aktywacja

W związku z zapytaniami o wersję Clipa obsługującego tylko modele RNS 510 /
810 - wprowadzamy:
- nową odrębną aktywacje RNS 5(8)10
- każdy obecny oraz przyszły użytkownik RCD PRO ma już w cenie powyższy
- jeśli posiadasz urządzenie Clip, nie posiadasz aktywacji RCD PRO, a
chciałbyś serwisować te modele - cena aktywacji to 195 zł brutto
- jeśli nie posiadasz Clipa, a chcesz zacząć pracę z RNS 510 to aktualna
cena zestawu dla RNS 510 to 1084 zł brutto
(w komplecie: urządzenie Clip, kabel połączeniowy RNS-510, aktywacja RNS
5(8)10 )
- Clip w zestawie "do RNS 510" jest w pełni funkcjonalny i możliwe jest
jego rozszerzanie o kolejne aktywacje
- obsługa modeli wyodrębniona jest poprzez główną zakładkę z lewej strony

Dla przypomnienia, główne funkcje:
- obsługa wszystkich dostępnych wersji
- zmiana kodu nawigacji
- aktywacja TV-FREE (możliwość oglądania dvd podczas jazdy)
- naprawa daty, part number oraz SN
- testowanie radia, zmiana koloru, zmiana logo startowego
- zmiana konfiguracji urządzenia (np. zmiana kodowania hdd, systemu)

Zamówienia, pytania : shop@martech.pl lub http://shop.martech.pl


Martech RCD AMS V0.0.8.4 - RNS 5(8)10 activation

Due of many queries about dedicated version for RNS 510 / 810 only, we are

- new separate activation RNS 5(8)10
- all current and future RCD PRO users have this tool already in the price
of activation
- if you have a Clip device, you do not have activation RCD PRO but you
want to service these models - the activation price is 39 EUR
- if you do not have a Clip but you want to start with the RNS 510 - there
is special price for RNS 510 Pack - 255 EUR
(set includes: Clip device, interface cable, RNS 5(8)10 activation)
- Clip included in the "RNS 510 Pack" is fully functional and it is
possible to extend it for a further activations
- activation is visible through the main tab on the left side of the tool

As a reminder, major functions:
- supports all versions available
- changing navigation Pin code (decoding)
- TV-FREE activation (the ability to watch dvd while driving)
- repairing: date, part number and SN
- radio testing, changing colour and startup logo
- changing the device configuration (eg hdd, system)
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RCD AMS V0.0.8.6 - mixed models added

Postby techmobil » 8 Feb 2012, o 14:00

RCD AMS V0.0.8.6 - mixed models added

Latest Update :
- KDC-W4044, 24c04 by Kenwood
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RCD AMS - Printing options & ST92 models

Postby techmobil » 28 Feb 2012, o 21:31

RCD AMS - Printing options & ST92 models

New functions in tool:
- Ability to print information about the radio code and model details
(print icon in right side of tool, below Clear Log icon)
Default template document is stored in tool directory, it's "amsprintcodetemplate.rtf"
You can make your own style, informations. You can use following variables:
- $date (will print actual date)
- $model (will print choosen model details)
- $code (will print calculated code)

Example of "security card":

We are waiting for feedbacks - if you have other ideas feel free to contact.

New functions regarding models:
- full support for ST92 units with M or V series (code, counter, locked, lock13, locked forever, security locked)
- currently options work on models with non secured cpu
- depends on dumped flash area you can do desired functions (eg. clear counter for locked 13 if eeprom is read out correctly)
- supported various dumps: Martech, Beeprog, Segger and other 3rd party programmers

Supported models:

- Ford, 2000 Traffic, YC1F-18K876-BA, ST92F120V9Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 3500 RDS EON B2 LOW Cassette, 4S61-18K876-BA, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 4000, YS6F-18K876-DA, ST92F120V9Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 4500 B3 LOW CD, 4S61-18C815-AA, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 4500 B3 LOW CD, 4S61-18C815-AA, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 4500 B3 LOW CD, 4S61-18C815-ABUABP, ST92F124V1QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 5000C Cassette, 3M5T-18K876-BD, ST92F150CV1QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD RDS EON, YS4F-18C815-AA, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD Single CD, 4M5T-18C815-AD, ST92F250CV2QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD Single CD, 5M5T-18C815-FA, ST92F250CV2QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD Single CD, 5S7T-18C815-AE, ST92F250CV2QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD, YS6F-18C815-DA, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD, 6L8T-18C838-AA, ST92F124V1QB by Visteon - V series
- Ford, 6000 CD, 3M5T-18C815-BD, ST92F150CV1QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD, 3M5T-18C815-BE, ST92F150CV1QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD, 3M5T-18C815-SA, ST92F150CV1QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD, 3S7T-18C815-AC, ST92F150CV1QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD, 3S7T-18C815-AD, ST92F150CV1QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD, 4M5T-18C815-AE, ST92F250CV2QB by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000 CD, 5S7T-18C815-AF, ST92F250CV2QB by Visteon - V series
- Ford, 6000 CD, 5S7T-18C815-AG, ST92F250CV2QB by Visteon - V series
- Ford, 6000 NE, YS4F-18C815-AC, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000DE Diversity, YS7F-18C815-AA, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6000NE, RYS4F-18C815-AA, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, 6006 RDS EON B5 CDX6 MID, 2S61-18C815-HA, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Land Rover, FL3 CD EUROPE, 4CFF-18C838-AB, VUX500150, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series
- Fiat, Stilo 0A, 2FCF-18C838-AF, ST92F120V1Q7 by Visteon - M series

Download setup:

Download exe:


Or run martech_rcd_ams.exe for autoupdate.

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Martech RCD AMS - CD132 - NAV Module Ford

Postby techmobil » 22 Mar 2012, o 21:34

Martech RCD AMS - CD132 - NAV Module Ford

Next V and M series in support, this time big navigation from Ford units


Latest Update :

- Alfa Romeo, 932 CC, 7 640 376 316 by Blaupunkt
- Alfa Romeo, 932 Connect, 7 607 005 055 by Blaupunkt
- Alfa Romeo, Antares T60 GSM phone, 7 649 980 310 by Blaupunkt
- Ford, CD132 - NAV. MODULE, 3S7T-18B988-AD, MC9S12 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, CD132 - NAV. MODULE, 3S7T-18B988-AE, MC9S12 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, CD132 - NAV. MODULE, 5S7T-18B988-AC, MC9S12 by Visteon - M series
- Ford, CD132 - NAV. MODULE, 5S7T-18B988-AF, MC9S12 by Visteon - V series
- Ford, CTS NAV MODULE, 3S7I-18B988-AB, MC9S12 by Visteon
- Renault, G5 (B) RDS, 7 644 495 091 by Blaupunkt
- Nissan, MMR CD-G, 7 645 362 318 by Blaupunkt
- Citroen, PF-3 (C), 7 642 775 392 by Blaupunkt

Run martech_rcd_ams.exe for autoupdate or download:
- exe file: http://martech.pl/support/martech_rcd_ams.exe
- installer: http://martech.pl/support/setup_rcdx.exe

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Re: Rcd Pro

Postby techmobil » 25 Mar 2012, o 20:45

RCD AMS V0.0.8.13 - new features in Hex Editor and logging to file

Since this version, the program creates a special .log file in the /LOGS directory.
It records every operation performed with the program. Every day is a separate text file. log.

By customer request, we develop new functions in hex editor:
- format converter (e2p., hex., mot., s19 to binary .bin format
- the ability to print buffer
- possibility to change the group of bytes, the size of columns, size and font type
- searching ASCII and HEX strings

To perform file conversion you need to choose the file in any format and then you can save to .bin.

Additional features:
- "Byte Group" - segregates column at 1, 4, 8, 16 bytes in one column
- "Row Size" - sets width of the column to 2, 4, 8, 16, 20 bytes
- "aA" - sets the large / small letters across the buffer
- "Font" - allows to change the type, style, size, font color used for the display buffer
- "Find / Nex" - search ASCII or HEX string in the buffer
- "Print" - prints the contents of the buffer according to user settings (full dump - all pages, current page, selected text).
- You can select the printer, zoom, change the background color. By default, the header file name is printed.

We look forward to further suggestions for developing the new functionality of the tool.

Run martech_rcd_ams.exe for autoupdate or download:
- exe file: http://martech.pl/support/martech_rcd_ams.exe
- installer: http://martech.pl/support/setup_rcdx.exe

Best Regards
Martech Team

RCD AMS V0.0.8.13 - nowe funkcje Hex Edytora oraz logowanie pracy do pliku

Od tej wersji w katalogu programu tworzony jest katalog /logs w którym zapisywane są każde operacje wykonywane z programem.
Każdy dzień to oddzielny plik tekstowy .log.

Na życzenie klientów rozwijamy funkcjonalność hex edytora:
- konwerter formatów .e2p, .hex, .mot, .s19 do formatu bin
- możliwość wydrukowania buforu
- zmiana grupowania bajtów, rozmiaru kolumny, wielkości i typu czcionki
- wyszukiwanie ciągu znaków

Aby zkonwertować plik z formatu hex na bin wystarczy wybrać odpowiedni tym pamięci, otworzyć plik a następnie zapisać go do formatu .bin.

Dodatkowe funkcje:
- "Byte Group" segreguje kolumny po 1, 4, 8, 16 bajtów w jednej kolumnie
- "Row Size" czyli szerokość kolumny umożliwia ustawienie widoku 2, 4, 8, 16, 20 bajtów
- "aA" ustawia duże / małe litery w całym buforze
- "Font" umożliwia zmianę typu, stylu, rozmiaru, koloru czcionki użytej do wyświetlania buforu
- "Find/Nex" wyszukuje w buforze ciąg znaków ASCII lub HEX w przypadku zaznaczenia funkcji
- "Print" drukuje zawartość bufora wg ustawień użytkownika (cały dump - wszystkie strony, aktualną stronę, wybrany tekst).
- Istnieje możliwość wyboru drukarki, powiększenia, zmiany koloru tła. Domyślnie nagłówkiem wydruku jest nazwa pliku.

Czekamy na kolejne sugestie odnośnie rozwijania funkcjonalności programu.
Aby zaktualizować program:
- pobierz plik exe: http://martech.pl/support/martech_rcd_ams.exe
- pobierz plik instalacyjny: http://martech.pl/support/setup_rcdx.exe

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RCD AMS V0.0.8.15

Postby techmobil » 4 Apr 2012, o 19:56

RCD AMS V0.0.8.15

Latest Update :
- Audi, Chorus EU B7 Soul, 7 646 135 380, 8E0 035 152Q, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- Seat, CRR70, 24c04 by Interconti
- Seat, CRR748 RDS, 24c04 by Interconti
- Volvo, HU-415, 93c46 (reverse) by Mitsubishi
- Honda, MF638RA, 39101-TF0-G216-M1, 24c32 by Alpine
- Mercedes-Benz, RA-4210, A 163 820 10 86, MB90F594A, 24c04 by Alpine
- Skoda, RCD 310, 7 648 258 360, 1Z0 035 161F, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- VW, RCD 510 MID EU UP1, 7 647 239 360, 3C8 035 195, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- VW, RCD 510, MID EU UP1, 7 647 239 360, 3C8 035 190, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- Smart, Smart High Radio EU, 7 649 051 110 by Bosch

Run martech_rcd_ams.exe for autoupdate or download:
- exe file: http://martech.pl/support/martech_rcd_ams.exe
- installer: http://martech.pl/support/setup_rcdx.exe

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RCD AMS V0.0.8.17

Postby techmobil » 17 Apr 2012, o 17:56

RCD AMS V0.0.8.17

Latest Update :

- Fiat, 250 CD, 7 648 582 316, 735 510 999 0, 95640 by Bosch
- Alfa Romeo, 955 Plus EU MP3, 7 648 526 316, 95640 by Blaupunkt
- Skoda, RCD 510, MID EU BVX, 7 648 259 360, 3T0 035 156 B, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- VW, RCD 510, MID EU DAB, 7 647 240 360, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- VW, RCD 510, MID EU RVC, 7 648 242 360, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- VW, RCD 510, MID EU UP1, 7 647 239 360, 3C8 035 195, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- VW, RCD 510, MID EU, 7 647 211 360, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- Smart, Smart High Radio EU, 7 649 051 910, 95128 by Bosch
- Skoda, Swing, 7 648 256 360, 1Z0 035 161F, 95128 by Blaupunkt

Run martech_rcd_ams.exe for autoupdate or download:
- exe file: http://martech.pl/support/martech_rcd_ams.exe
- installer: http://martech.pl/support/setup_rcdx.exe

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RCD AMS V0.0.8.30 - RCD310 new pcb revision

Postby techmobil » 4 Jul 2012, o 11:39

RCD AMS V0.0.8.30 - RCD310 new pcb revision

Latest Update :

- Audi, Concert TT, 7 648 244 380, 4B0 035 186D, 68HC705B32 by Blaupunkt
- Audi, Concert, 9.18423-6151, 4B0 035 186Q, 24c16 by Grundig
- Honda, DEH-M6006ZH, 39101-S6A-B010-M1, br9010 by Pioneer
- Ford, HSRNS (NX), 7 612 330 720, BM2T-18K931-BA by Blaupunkt
- KDC-BT6544, 24c04 by Kenwood
- KDC-BT8141, 24c04 by Kenwood
- KDC-X7009U, 24c04 by Kenwood
- VW, RCD 310, 7 647 201 360, 1K0 035 086 AA, 95128 by Blaupunkt
- VW, RCD 310, LOW EU G+ UP2 BVX, 7 640 212 360, 5M0 035 186 J, 95128 by Blaupunkt

The last model from the list (7 640 212 360) has new pcb revision.
Connection pinout is different - build in tool, decoding process is the same as previous.

Go to http://martech.pl/support and download:
- setup_rcdx.exe - Installation program for "rcd, rcdpro, security, drivers (box/clip/key)" etc.
- martech_rcd_ams.exe - direct download of exe file

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Re: Rcd Pro

Postby techmobil » 27 Aug 2012, o 20:45

Martech RCD AMS v0.0.8.37- Protect SPI memory

Latest Update :
- Ford, 6000 CD Single CD - KW2000, 6S61-18C815-AA, TMS470AVF689 by Visteon - V series
- Ford, 6000 CD Single CD - KW2000, 8M5T-18C815-AB, TMS470R1VF288 by Visteon - V series
- Ford, 6000 Single CD - GGDS, 6M2T-18C815-AG, TMS470AVF689 by Visteon - V series
- Protect SPI memory

How to protect SPI memory for using while RNS315 decoding:
- desolder SPI
- connect as 4-Wire interface
- protect memory
- solder SPI back, short pins 3 and 4 on chip
- continue decoding as it's written in RNS315 decoding manual on forum

Example of protection and unprotection:

Device Information ( EEPROM ) : 95256
Size : 0x8000 (32768) byte
Bus Type : SPI
Bus Mode : 4-Wire Interface.
Bus Speed : 10

UnProtect EEP device ...
Hardware Protection - Disabled.
Blocks : 1 - UnProtected, 2 - UnProtected.
Protect EEP device ...
Hardware Protection - Enabled.
Blocks : 1 - Protected, 2 - Protected.

How to update? Run martech_rcd_ams.exe or download and get latest version via setup:

Check supported models and Clip functions in demo version

Martech Team.

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